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If you tried to install a bit or bit version of the Office suite, or an Office standalone application such as Visio microsott a computer that already has either the bit or bit unble of Office, you could see an error message similar to the one below.
This occurs because you can't mix bit and bit versions ujinstall Office. To professiobal this error and switch from bit to bit or vice-versayou unble do the following in this order. Go to Uninstall Office from читать больше PC and follow the steps to uninstall the version of Unable to uninstall microsoft office professional plus 2016 free download or stand-alone Office application, such as Visio or Project you don't want.
MicrosoftOfficeor Office Follow the steps to unable to uninstall microsoft office professional plus 2016 free download a specific bit version, such as bit if that's the version you need. Office For overall guidance about which version to install, see Choose the bit or bit version of Office. If you're not sure which bit version you may have already installed, see What version of Office am I using?
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“Office (bit or bit) couldn’t be installed” error when trying to install
Command to install Office is as simply as it gets setup. However I have trouble with command to uninstall Office It should be like this:. Setup can't find or validate an installation file. Please try reinstall Office Last year I did the same with Office and I was able to uninstall it successfully. ConfigMgr can deploy package with uninstall command program to clients for uninstalling Office If the command can't work normally, I think it's better to ask Office support team.
They will provide more useful answeres. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact tnmff microsoft. Same error after: setup. If, at least, it can be figured out whether error is caused by. I posted a question on Office forum but no one answered yet - I have lost too much time for this trivial thing, or at least it should have been trivial. I guess location of uninstall. Did you try the right command, the one you typed isn't right.
This could be done by adding this to your uninstall. Blog: www. I added logging and in log file:. Run Setup again without using a Setup configuration file, or fix the configuration file. InvalidMetadataFile ErrorCode: 1 0x1. If you are trying to uninstall Office Download the Click to run for the proper version.
The switches have been change and do not match any more. Anyone know how to uninstall Visio Pro and Project Pro using setup. I am trying to deploy Office to users and I have my Office ProPlus uninstall working fine but some users have Visio and Project. Those do not uninstall with ProPlus. I am actually looking to uninstall the Office non versions of Visio and Project.
Those links are only for Office But thanks for the links because I've been trying to build deployment packages for Visio but not had any success. When running setup. In the following xml, we do not say anything about source path:. I have been trying to do the same and tried two of the most talked about ways of doing this from this thread and others. Neither of their solutions alone worked for me so I used a combination of what they posted. This does work for me. To uninstall Microsoft Office Pro Plus.
It frustrated the heck out of me and I have been at this for weeks. I have successfully removed office business premium and office pro plus using your script. Just had to modify it a bit but boy am i glad you posted your fix. Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro?
Resources for IT Professionals. Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Configuration Manager - Application Management. Post questions here that are appropriate for deploying package, programs and applications in Configuration Manager Before posting, please search for your answer in these forums and the TechNet documentation.
Sign in to vote. It should be like this: setup. Wednesday, April 13, PM. Finally I cracked it: setup. Monday, April 18, AM.
Best regards Frank Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. Thursday, April 14, AM. How exactly are you running the command? Through ConfigMgr or manually? Command for installing is setup. I also tried to manually perform silent uninstallation on client itself from command prompt but to no avail. I always get the same error. Thursday, April 14, PM. If you can't perform the uninstallation manually, then it obviously won't work through SCCM.
I'd say to follow Frank's advice, and take this over to the Office forum. They will have more knowledge about the proper command lines, and once you have those, you can likely drop them into SCCM without too much trouble.
Ok, I will do that. If your uninstall. Friday, April 15, AM. Saturday, April 16, AM. Sunday, April 17, PM. I have already lost too much time. Whatever source I have found on Internet uninstall. Why not use this: Setup. Friday, June 3, AM.
I tried your suggestion above and Office Pro Plus does uninstall. But, the icon are still there. How do we remove besides clicking on them and selecting remove?
Wednesday, November 9, PM. Touma 1. Proposed as answer by andrewjohnporter Wednesday, January 17, AM. Thursday, December 15, PM. Touma 0. Tuesday, January 31, PM. First, I tried building my configuration. So I continued on and built an installer with the same configuration. The packaged installation runs but it only put a shortcut to Visio in my start menu. It didn't actually install the binaries. Wednesday, February 1, PM.
As I find this a year later to the day. Monday, April 17, PM. I dug long and hard to find this!!! Great work and thank you!!! Wednesday, April 19, AM. Hello, I am trying this but the office trows Error Code: 0. BR, Viktor. Thursday, June 21, AM.
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